Upload And Share APK Files

Upload your APK Files in a single place and access them anywhere and share them everywhere.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

Max Speed

Max Speed

There Is No Any Speed Limit On All Plans & Files, Share What You Want Download What You Need

Multiple Uploads

Multiple Uploads

Upload Multiple Files At The Same Time

Unlimited Bandwidth

Unlimited Bandwidth

Don't Worry About Bandwidth Usage, Download What You Want Anytime & Anywhere There Is No Any Bandwidth Limit.!

File Encryption

File Encryption

All Files Are End-to-end Encrypted So Don't Worry

Only APK

Only APK

On APKHosto Only APK Related Files Accepted Extension's (.apk .xapk .obb .zip)

Direct Downloading

Direct Downloading

APKHosto Offer Direct File Downloading For All Paid And Free users,


Get More Storage And Faster Access To Your Files With One Of Our Premium Accounts.


Basic Plan is good for basic need

50.78 GB Storage space
1.07 GB Size per file
Files available for Unlimited time
Upload 1 file at once
No advertisements
Direct links to files
Password protected files
DMCA Ignored
Custom Domain
Remote Upload


Best For Value For Money

506.84 GB Storage space
4.88 GB Size per file
Files available for Unlimited time
Upload 1 file at once
No advertisements
Unmetered Bandwidth
Direct links to files
DMCA Ignored
Protected Links
Custom Domain
Private Domain
Remote Upload
Password protected files


Free Plan

100.00 GB Storage space
500.00 MB Size per file
Files available for Unlimited time
Upload 1 file at once
No advertisements
Unmetered Bandwidth
DMCA Ignored
Password protected files
No plans available
No plans available


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

APKHosto is an Online Sharing Service that focuses on providing you with a simple and convenient solution for sharing and managing your files. APKHosto offers premium features such as Direct-Download, and Multi-Uploads for free, for all.

Only APK related files are allowed to upload, here is allowed file extension name

  • apk
  • xapk
  • obb
  • rar
  • zip



Yes, you can manage your files and delete them automatically when you register for free.


All of your files are stored exclusively in our data centers in separately secured server racks.


well you'r files are saved for 7 day's after that if you don't renew your subscription your files will be deleted permanently

Free account files are kept for 30 days. Premium accounts files are kept for unlimited days.

Contact Us

Please use the following form to contact us with any queries.

Upload Files

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Max File Size 500.00 MB / Files available for Unlimited time

Drag and drop or click here to upload

You can also browse from your computer